It’s all in the name. At grub.com, you can order delivery online from your favorite local restaurants, liquor stores, grocery stores and dry cleaners.
Enter your address in the search bar on the home page, select the category that you’d like to browse (i.e. Food), and press the orange Search button. On the results page, you can switch between categories by clicking the tabs at the top of the page. If you know exactly what you’re looking for (e.g. “Pinkberry”) or just have a general idea (e.g. “frozen yogurt” or “banana split”), you can also enter keywords into the second search bar.
After you enter your address and press Search, you can sort the results alphabetically, or by customer rating, distance, or minimum subtotal. You can also select and combine filters like cuisine types or special offers.
The default sort is based off of factors like distance, ratings, and your own personal ordering history. It’s not based on paid advertisements from merchants; besides the clearly marked Sponsored listings at the top of the results, we don’t charge merchants to improve their search rank, like some of the other guys do.
Sure can. On both the search page and the menu page, you’ll see a message at the top of the screen that says, “Delivery for Today at ASAP.” This is the default setting. Click that, and you can select any delivery or pickup time up to one week in advance. Press Update and you’ll be ready to place your future order.
If your order is scheduled for ASAP delivery or pickup, the merchant will already be in the process of preparing the order. For that reason, any changes or cancellations are best sent directly to the merchant. If your order is scheduled for delivery or pickup at some point in the future, you can cancel or change the order up to one hour before the scheduled time. Go into your Order History, locate the “Awaiting order” and click the “Cancel order” button.